Decorating Inspiration

Decorating Inspiration

Often times, a person will walk into a room and be filled with a certain emotion or feeling. Sometimes this is because of the people in the room and how they are acting, whether they are silent or loud or they are laughing or crying. Other times it is because of the room itself. The use of different colors, patterns, shapes and other aspects in the decor of a room can evoke certain emotions from people I asked for western decorating ideas. I recently switched rooms in my home and I now realize the impact that room decor can have on a person.

Throughout my first three years of high school, I went through a slight depression and I didn’t know why. I was having enough success in academics and athletics and I had plenty of friends, but something just made me feel gloomy and alone whenever I was at home. After school every day, I would go into my room and lay in my bed or sit at my desk if I had homework and I was just upset. I would look around at the dark blue walls and I would try to fix the lights that stopped working and I wouldn’t figure it out, which only made me more upset. I didn’t realize it at the time, but the darkness of my room enhanced my depression to an outstanding degree.

Due to some remodeling in my home, I switched rooms senior year. It wasn’t until the switch was made that I realized how much a bedroom could impact someone’s life. My new room has light gray walls with maroon curtains and bedding. This change in paint color along with the new decorations on my walls have helped to brighten my mood. The addition of pictures of my family, friends, and some accomplishments I’ve made have completely rid me of my depression and I am truly happy for the first time in a while.

I would never have thought that the decoration in a room could change a person’s view of life until I experienced this change. The use of certain room decoration can literally change someone’s life for the better.